Author: Pam Smallcomb
Illustrator: Joe Berger
Published: 2011
Source: Local Library
What would you send to an alien pen pal? Since the narrator of this book never wanted one in the first place, he sends the most disgusting things he can think of, in hopes of scaring off Clunk for good. Dirty socks! Old lasagna! His big sister! But the packages from Clunk are twice as weird, and when the letters finally stop, he’s sort of dismayed. How can he get his unlikely friend back?
I didn’t adore this book straight off, you guys. It took me a little while, a few reads in front of a group, before I began to appreciate it. This is a great readaloud for older kids, opening up avenues of discussion every which way. What would you send to your alien pen pal? Do you think that the kid really always liked getting stuff from Clunk? With colorful and sly illustrations, this one will be a favorite with your school groups.