Picture Books: 15
Early Readers: 2
Library: all
Writing: Another Brother by Matthew Cordell
Ugh, siblings! The most annoying things ever . . . especially when they ignore you. The first-born in a very large family hates being imitated constantly, until his brothers suddenly stop and he realizes that he kind of likes being idolized. Luckily, there's always somebody else coming along to toddle in his footsteps.
Illustration: Randy Riley's Really Big Hit by Chris Van Dusen
I do love Van Dusen's mid-century stylized illustrations, especially paired with his always-quirky storylines. Besides, how can you lose with giant robots? Answer: you can't. Really.
Overall: And Then It's Spring by Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Erin E. Stead
You know that early-spring feeling? When it feels like you'll never see anything but mud again? That brown, brown, brown, wait-what's-that feeling? The pairing of Fogliano and Stead capture it beautifully.
Because I Want To Awards
A Twist in the Tail: Dogs by Emily Gravett
See what I did there? Hee.
I Had the Worst Time Tagging This: Time to Say Bye-Bye by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
This book follows a toddler through his day, saying bye-bye to one delightful activity in order to greet a new one. So instantly recognizable it's actually sort of hard to describe.
Let's Hear It for More Creativity!: Crafty Chloe by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Heather Ross