Author: Matthew McElligott
Illustrator: Matthew McElligott
Published: 2012
Source: Local Library
A budding young chef finds that nobody wants his creations. Really? Nobody wants to frequent a mushroom iced tea stand? Dispirited, he closes up shop and goes to bed . . . only to discover that he’s just focusing on the wrong clientele. Aliens love his unique cuisine! He revels in his extraterrestrial popularity, creating more and more unusual dishes. But is it true that there are some things that absolutely nobody will eat?
There’s a lot to giggle over in this clever tale. I got the most giggles out of the nutty, punny customer preferences (for instance, bean puffs went over well with the guys from the gas giants). With a wild variety of aliens and a twist at the end, I think this will go over well with preschool and early elementary kids, especially those that love crazy kitchen combinations themselves.