Picture Books: 13
Library: All
Writing: One by Kathryn Otoshi
For a very simple book, there's so much packed in here. There's stuff about bullying, personal identity, standing up for yourself and others. Plus numbers and colors!
Illustration: Vampirina Ballerina, illustrated by LeUyen Pham, written by Anne Marie Pace
Pham's cuddly vampires and sly visual jokes are the star of this show. I especially loved how Vampirina would turn into a bat at times of stress, to her classmates' consternation.
Overall: Rain! by Linda Ashman, illustrated by Christian Robinson
On the same rainy day, two people approach it with opposite attitudes - one is cheerful and positive, the other grumpy and mean. When they meet, which one wins?
Because I Want To Awards
Why Sharp Eyes are Good: Happy Birthday, Bunny by Liz Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Stephanie Graegin
Maybe I'm easily amused (maybe?) but the carrot symbol on the bunny's iPhone in this sweet birthday story cracks me up every time.
Oh, Bob Shea, I Love You: Cheetah Can't Lose by Bob Shea
I didn't even know this was coming out until it landed on my desk. The story of two kittens who conspire to knock their friend cheetah down a peg or two will inspire giggles.