Picture Books: 14
Early Readers: 1
Library: all
Writing: When Lions Roar by Robie Harris, illustrated by Chris Raschka
All about fear and courage and being able to live through them.
Illustration: A Butterfly is Patient, illustrated by Sylvia Long, written by Diana Hutts Aston
Ooo. I just wanted to pore over the color-soaked illustrations of many different kinds of butterflies and their environment. Science!
Overall: Dot by Patricia Intriago
With one basic shape, this book explores all sorts of concepts and opposites. Like Press Here, this book takes a simple concept and just has lots of fun.
Because I Want To Awards
One More For the Books Where Characters Get Eaten List: Beware the Frog by William Bee
Just like it says. A lot of picture books lean toward the sweet, so I have a deep affection for books like this, with their sideways smirks to the reader and the flash of teeth.
Yay! Mayhem!: Musk Ox Counts by Erin Cabatingen, illustrated by Matthew Myers
A sequel to the last adventure, where Musk Ox made a hash of the alphabet, this one has poor beleaguered Zebra just trying to count up to ten. Of course, he doesn't succeed.