Picture Books: 34
Early Readers: 1
Library: 34
Writing: Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall
Not gonna lie, this made my lip wobble just a little bit. A crayon in a red wrapper does his best to be red (even though everything comes out blue). It's only when someone recognizes the beauty of his blue-ness that he can really access his full potential. Works on so many levels.
Illustration: The Tortoise and the Hare by Jerry Pinkney
Of course, the setting gave this book a leg up in my desert southwest heart. But the arid, brown-and-gold beauty of this book won it over completely.
Overall: Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown
Poor buttoned-up Mr. Tiger really needs to cut loose. When he does, though, he finds himself just the teensiest bit . . . lonely. I loved seeing Mr. Tiger's unruly fur even when he's in his high collars, and the shock on the faces of his proper neighbors.
Because I Want To Awards
Argh argh argh I want to read this in storytime: Open Very Carefully by Nick Bromley, ill. Nicola Byrne
And why should you open it carefully? Because the crocodile might get out, of course. Another one to add to my collection of books with teeth.
So Nearly Got the Overall Prize: I'm Going to Catch My Tail! by Jimbo Matison
A kitty wakes up determined to catch his tail, which (somehow being a separate intelligence) is just as determined that this will not happen. A romp all over the pages ensues, until the reason why comes out. And what is that? Because kitty wanted a hug. Awwww.
Alien-Earth Relations Should All Go This Well: Mr. Wuffles by David Wiesner
The master of the weird wordless is back with a story of tiny aliens banding together with tiny Earthen ants and mice to escape the predations of the household cat. Loved how the languages were rendered, and how the aliens' visit was remembered in ant-lore ever after.