Saturday, December 5, 2009

Book Review: Lines That Wiggle by Candace Whitman, illustrated by Steve Wilson

Book: Lines That Wiggle!
Author: Candace Whitman
Illustrator: Steve Wilson
Published: 2009
Source: Local Library

Lines are everywhere! Lines that wiggle, lines that bend, tickly, sprouting, all the lines you can think of. How many lines can you find?

Rainbows, thunderstorms, and swirling water are just some of the lines that are illustrated in this book. Each line on the page is delineated with blue glitter, adding both visual and texture fun to the reading. The line goes from the word on the page into the illustration, tracing the line that the word describes--a great, creative way to connect the concept to the word.

I read this to a toddler group, demonstrating each line as I did so. Some were a little harder than others to show, but they all got into it. Use for a storytime about art or nature, and prepare to have fun!

1 comment:

Z-Kids said...

This looks great! Hunting for it now...
- AZ